Interested in having a say who the next Liberal leader should be?

less than 1 minute

You need to register.  There is no fee.

The cut-off date to become a Registered Liberal and be eligible to vote will be January 27, 2025.  The nation-wide race to choose the next Leader of the party will conclude on March 9, 2025.

Here are the rules:

To be eligible for Registration in the Party, a person must: 

  • be at least fourteen (14) years of age;
  • support the purposes of the party;
  • be a Canadian citizen, have status under the Indian Act, or be a permanent resident of Canada.
  • not be a member of any other federal political party in Canada; and
  • while Registered as a Liberal, not have publicly declared an intention to be a candidate for election to the House of Commons other than as a candidate of the Party.

Click HERE for all the rules governing registration as a registered Liberal 

Click HERE to register