

Gardening Tip ~ Starting Your Summer Garden Indoors

Thinking about getting a garden started in your yard?  Maybe a vegetable patch, or just growing some annuals or perennials to add to your flower gardens.  Last year we had several Gardening Tips on these topics so while its cold and the winter’s s

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Environmental Investing: What is it really…

So, the latest trend is the new ESG investing, or maybe you’ve seen the initials SRI.

What is it?   ESG investing means:  Environmental, Social and Governance

SRI investing means: Socially Responsible Investing

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Gardening Tip ~ Cooking with the Intent to Freeze

Cooking for one or two people isn’t much fun so I tend to make food for the “family” and then freeze the remaining portions for future meals! Sometimes I plan a small dinner party and use those leftovers for freezing.

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Gardening Tips ~ Life Lessons from Gardening

Every now and again, we are given a life lesson.

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Do You Have Dry Eyes?

If your eyes itch, burn, sting, look red, or you have a constant feeling of something being lodged in your eye, you may have a condition called Meibomian (“my-BOH-mee-an”) Gland Dysfunction, or MGD.

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Online Wellness & Fitness Movement Programs

Sandra Corrado, a Richmond Hill Zumba specialist and more, is offering online Wellness & Fitness Movement Programs

These are short and impactful 30-mins sessions, with recordings available following each session.

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Can You Teach an Old Dog New Tricks?

Don’t believe the old adage, ‘You can’t teach an old dog new tricks!’ Yes, it is a common phrase that means it is challenging to teach an older person something new, usually because that person has been doing things a certain way for so l

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Office Workspace Benefits

Although working from home has its advantages, a formal office workspace in a business centre has many noteworthy benefits. Five of these key benefits are:

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