

Council Accountability Group's Engagement Education Series - helping you be better engaged.

Council Accountability Group Richmond Hill Inc. was formed with the mission of informing the public of local politics and holding the elected officials accountable.

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Upgrade You Dry Winter Indoor Air

During winter months a lot of people suffer from asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory ailments due to dry indoor air.

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Are You Tired of being Sick and Tired? Try Functional Medicine

Are you tired of being sick and tired?

Now is the time to address the root cause of health issues rather than just dealing with the symptoms.

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Opportunity for Volunteer Hours for High School Students - participating in Coldest Night of the Year

The Coldest Night of the Year (CNOY) is a national event that raises money for the hungry, homeless and hurting. This year the date is February 20th.

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Rehana Sumar - her roots in Tanzania drive her to help the homeless here

As part of the Tuesday morning Connecting the Community meetings, Rehana Sumar, Executive Director of MOSAIC Interfaith Out of the Cold, told her story.

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Gardening Tips - Put Your Christmas Tree to Work this January

The Nature Conservancy of Canada has an excellent suggestion for reusing your old Christmas tree by leaving it in your backyard over the winter.

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Tax Tips for January 2021 - by Andre LaRosa, CGA

Payroll Remittances

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NEW YEAR, NEW BRAIN! - 7 Ways to Boost Your Brain Power in 2021

Your sister wants to lose weight. Your boss wants to quit smoking. Your cousin wants to get out of debt and repair his bad credit. Sound familiar? It should. They’re the same unmet goals from last year. And the year before.

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