

David Dunlap Observatory is now an officially designated National Historic Site

Have you been there lately?  Now Richmond Hillers should venture over to this National Historic Site. On June 15th, 2022 there was a a special ceremony to unveil a commemorative plaque.

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The Curtain Club 2022-2023 Series is NOW on sale!!

We are so ready to experience live theatre!
Let's do it in our own community!

This is The Curtain Club's 69th year!

Five great shows with a subscription starting at only $70!

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Gardening Tip ~ Weeds Can Be A Good Thing

July is but two weeks away and although I’ve always felt July is “weed month”, the number and growth of weeds seem to have started earlier this year.  From now and throughout July is the time (in my mind at least) that weeds grow the most.  I’ve t

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Gardening Tip ~ Something New to Plant: Pig Potatoes

Last spring my husband excitedly told me that our cottage neighbour, an eighty-year-old Korean man, gave him some pig potatoes to plant.  Hmmm.  I had never heard of pig potatoes.

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Gardening Tip ~Lean on Me

Are you fed up with floppy flowers?  Are you disappointed when your delphiniums fall sideways?  Perhaps it is time to think about plant supports rather than waiting until the peonies are dashed to the ground in a sudden heavy downpour.

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June is Brain Injury Awareness Month

In Canada, June is Brain Injury Awareness Month and LearningRx (, the world’s largest one-on-one brain training company, is sharing tips with parents to help them protect their young athle

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Provincial Election - are you ready to vote? June 2nd is Election Day!

June 2nd is Election Day. 

But you don't need to wait until then to vote.

Up until May 27th, you can apply for a mail in ballot.

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Gardening Tip ~ Renewing Your Wooden Raised Beds

When building our raised garden beds five years ago, we decided on untreated wood planks for the sides to avoid the chemicals found in treated wood. They work just as well as treated wood.

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