A Rabbie Burns Supper

Event Date: 
Saturday, January 25, 2025 - 5:30pm

Enjoy the sound of the bagpipes and a wee bit of Scottish culture at the Rabbie Burns Supper.

There will be a three course meal of soup, roast beef, haggis with mashed potato, turnip and peas followed by trifle and shortbread for dessert with a wine cash bar available during the meal.

Stay to be entertained by traditional Scottish music and dance.

Cost: $60/Adult and $30/Child(12 & under).

Proceeds will be used by Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church to support the life and mission of God's Church.

For tickets and information please call the Church Office at 905-884-4211 

Doors open at 5:00 and program/dinner begins at 5:30 pm.


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