

September's Online Wellness & Fitness Movement Programs


Let's start September on the right foot -- for wellness -- and get back on track.

Join a community of movement participants for Online Wellness / fitness classes, from the comfort of your home. 

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Gardening Tip ~ More Veggies to Freeze

Your hard work of planting, weeding, watering has yielded lots of vegetables. Perhaps more than you can eat or give away! So, freeze the rest and have healthy inexpensive veggies year-round.

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Children and Adult Art Classes this Fall

For adults... come and learn how to paint in this fun, positive  environment.

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City Asks Residents for Input On Making Our Parks More Enjoyable

The City of Richmond Hill is seeking input from residents to help improve the rules for visiting City parks and to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone using a park.

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Gardening Tip ~ Too Many Vegetables from Your Garden?

Article and photos submitted by Doreen Coyne, a member of the Richmond Hill Garden & Horticultural Society

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Come Sing With Us!!!

Chorus York is now welcoming new singers in all voice parts to join their virtual choir as they prepare for a virtual Christmas performance on December 13.

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3 Skill Sets Students Need to Thrive this Fall

LearningRx (, the largest one-on-one brain training company, is sharing tips to help students ease the transition from summer to school.

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Gardening Tip ~ Carrot Tops

I just harvested some carrots and wondered about uses for their leafy tops. Here’s what I learned.

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