

Doreen Coyne talks about the Richmond Hill Garden & Horticultural Society

At the Tuesday morning Connecting the Community meeting, (March 2nd, 2021)Doreen Coyne, current president of the local Horticultural Society gives a talk, including photos, of what the Richmond Hill Garden & Horticultural Society has been doin

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Gardening Tips - Growing plants from Seeds

Milkweed is a great addition to your native garden. It especially attracts Monarch butterflies. But it can be hard to grow from seed, but last year I learned about a process that copies nature. It worked!

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The Touch Test-How Would You Do?

”Touch comes before sight, before speech.
It is the first language, and the last,
and it always tells the Truth”

~ Margaret Atwood.

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The Ultimate Keyboard Buyer's Guide

So you have decided to buy your first keyboard. Congrats! In this day and age, there are a plethora of options to choose from regardless of your skill level, style, and music creation needs.

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Figuring out who determines where we grow as a city. Municipal, Regional or Provincial decision?

Council Accountability Group - Richmond Hill has formed to increase the citizen awareness of the impact of policies and actions of their City Council.

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Older adults - become tech savvy. Richmond Hill Computer Technology Volunteers are here to help!

There are 2 programs offered, free of charge, over Zoom.  (These had been a the part of teh 55 + programs at the McConaghy Centre.)

1) 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month Information Sessions

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Gardening Tips - Growing Vegetables in Your Garden

Start your vegetable seeds indoors

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Gardening Tips - Saving Toronto’s Red Oak

Our group’s November meeting featured a presentation by a talk by Mark and Ben Cullen on attracting birds to the garden.

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