The Richmond Hill Rotary Club is Seeking Nominations - Women of Inspiration & Leadership Award
The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill is very happy to launch its first annual Women of Inspiration & Leadership Award, or WILA.
Read MoreTop 10 Gifts for the Man Cave or She Shed. Cosmo Music has it right for shopping this holiday season!
Cosmo Music has been a tourist destination. They have also been leading the pack on having an outstanding digital store, well before the pandemic struck. So, in these times when we should not be going into stores very much they have made on line
Read MoreYork Region organizes Flu Clinics
On the morning of November 18th, MPP Daisy Wai attended and participated in a flu clinic located at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 375 in Richmond Hill.
Read MoreGardening Tips - More About Lawns and Leaves
After last week’s Gardening Tip was posted, I had a few people ask me to provide some follow-up information so let’s try to address each of these in today’s article:
Read MoreIs a Younger Life Worth More Than an Older Life? -- Part One
Jennifer, a Nurse I know in a south Florida hospital, desperately pleaded with me on the telephone recently saying that she wanted to be somehow transported to Canada because she was totally emotionally spent-- at a dead end at her hospital in Flo
Read MoreTrying to Make Sense of the Responses to the Pandemic
Are you confused, and mentally taxed, by the rules and regulations regarding this pandemic that never seems like it is going to end?
Read MoreHeather Skoll talks about the challenges of creating her Reset Zone app
Heather Skoll is an active Richmond Hill resident who has done a lot for our community.
She thought that creating this Reset Zone mobile wellness app would be a very good idea.
Here her talk about this journey from idea to app
Gardening Tips - To Rake or Not to Rake
The leaves have fallen and this past weekend I saw most of my neighbours raking leaves and piling them into yard waste bags.
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