Family Alliance on Severe Mental Illnesses (FASMI) invites you to join

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Family Alliance on Severe Mental Illnesses (FASMI) first annual general meeting will be held Tuesday November 12th at 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern time on line.

After the business portion of the meeting, there will be a presentation by Dr. Richard O’Reilly entitled Getting Help for your Loved One when the System Fails.

Following the presentation, there will be an opportunity for questions.

Please note this event is for FASMI members only. If you're not a member, please sign up on the connect page by November 5, and put in the comment box that you want to attend the AGM. Members will receive a link to the AGM a day before it starts. There are no fees, and membership is open to all Canadian residents who agree with our objectives. One of the founding members of FASMI, Kathleen Mochnacki, is a Richmond Hiller.