

Online Wellness & Fitness Movement Programs

Sandra Corrado, a Richmond Hill Zumba specialist and more, is offering online Wellness & Fitness Movement Programs

These are short and impactful 30-mins sessions, with recordings available following each session.

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Can You Teach an Old Dog New Tricks?

Don’t believe the old adage, ‘You can’t teach an old dog new tricks!’ Yes, it is a common phrase that means it is challenging to teach an older person something new, usually because that person has been doing things a certain way for so l

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Office Workspace Benefits

Although working from home has its advantages, a formal office workspace in a business centre has many noteworthy benefits. Five of these key benefits are:

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Protect Your Home From Winter Weather

A unifying feature of being Canadian is the constant struggle with extreme winter weather.

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Gardening Tip ~ Recycling your Christmas Tree

It’s that time of year that we get a new Richmond Hill Waste Management Guide in the mail.  When it arrives, I go through it and mark my pickup weeks for garbage pickup days, double garbage days, start and stop of lawn waste pickup, and of course,

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It Must Be Joyful December! Seniors and Seasonal Stress

Christmas trees, mistletoe, Hanukkah, lighting the Menorah, Santa Claus, gift giving, holiday family must be December and the coming holiday season—what happy fun, what excitement!

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Gardening Tips ~ What Else Can You Freeze? Baked goods!

Did you make too much for the Holidays?  Or perhaps you just can’t eat the baked goods you bought before they start to spoil.  I freeze most of my excess produce but also find a need to freeze a lot of baked goods such as muffins, cookies, bagels,

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Toy Drive at LearningRx - Richmond Hill

Khai Woo, owner of Learning Rx - Richmond Hill has organized a toy drive in support of children and families in need throughout York Region.

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