OnRichmondHill.com is a very good place to find out about what is happening in Richmond Hill.
Richmond Hill is a great place to live and OnRichmondhill.com will let you know the great things to do here.
Our neighbours have organized interesting and enriching events. OnRichmondhill.com will promote these events.
The goal is to have neigbours connect. Since Richmond Hill is blessed with a rich diversity of cultures, many of these events will include cultural sharing. We will really get to know our neighbours.
OnRichmondhill.com will provide an inclusive list of what is happening, including for each event (when applicable), the times, location, prices, registration or ticket information, a contact, web site and detail the interesting aspects of the event.
OnRichmondhill.com is an independent business. It is operated by Marj Andre. Marj has lived in Richmond Hill for over 20 years and she is passionate about building a great community