... a creative ways to have fun together, or just an enriching experience by yourself, while adhering to physical distancing guidelines.
Wednesday, September 23rd was National Tree Day.
Local Enhancement and Appreciation of Forests (LEAF) together with the City of Richmond Hill celebrated by hosting a virtual tree tour of our beautiful Lake Wilcox Park.
The tour was led by Aileen Barclay, a forest education specialist and an avid nature photographer with over two decades of experience in ecology. Participants learned tree identification tips and gained an appreciation of how mature and diverse species of trees, like those found in the park, enhance the biodiversity of our urban areas.
“Trees provide so much value to us and our natural world. I focused on highlighting the amazing value of trees, how wildlife depend on them and even showed which trees are the best for planting in our own yards!” says Barclay. “I’m excited that this event will be made available online, making this information accessible to everyone!”
This video will help you identify your "leafy neighbours" and is an hour and a bit long.
This virtual tour was made possible with support from the City of Richmond Hill, Ontario Power Generation and GrandTrees Climate Solutions.
Check out their web site www.yourleaf.org
You may wish to review or print this self-guided map of trees in the park visiting www.RichmondHill.ca/TreeTour