Monarch Butterfly Tagging Challenge. Consider Participating!!

1 min to read

How would you like to be a citizen scientist and help save Monarch butterflies?

"With all the wonders contained in the natural world, the Monarch Butterfly is the closest thing to a miracle that I can think of", says David West, councillor for Ward 4 Richmond Hill.

Monarch butterflies make a migratory journey from as far away as north central Ontario to a specific region in Central Mexico each year.  It is not a single monarch butterfly but the fourth generation that makes it here!!  Their migratory path faces many challenges - the milkweed plant is their only food source and it is declining.

Across North America concerned individuals, environmental organizations, and cities like Richmond Hill, are making a concerted effort to protect and increase the milkweed habitat.

We can do more. And that includes being citizen scientists and raise these beautiful creatrues from eggs, watch them grow from a small caterpillar to a larger one, that will then magically turn into a pupae and then emerge as a butterfly. This takes a few weeks to happen.  And it is easy to do. 

It is the monarch butterflies that emerge in late August, not earlier in the summer, that take the long journey from here to Mexico. The organization Monarch Watch would like as many monarchs tagged as possible.   Please see their web site Monarch Watch to find out more including what is involved with raising monarch butterflies.

David West grew up raising and tagging monarch butterflies so naturally as a community leader he continues to do this. He is coordinating the tagging here and has ordered tags and will have them delivered to you. Please see his web site for details.  Monarch Butterfly Tagging Challenge - Councillor David WestCouncillor David West (