Office Workspace Benefits

1 min to read

... presented by Access Business Centre, located at 10271 Yonge Street, Suite 302

Although working from home has its advantages, a formal office workspace in a business centre has many noteworthy benefits. Five of these key benefits are:

Privacy and Professionalism
In the age of ‘just Goggle it’, business addresses operating from home can be easily viewed online and an element of personal privacy is compromised. Being affiliated with an office building address protects personal privacy. 

A formal business address also suggests a higher level of professionalism where impression matter, since clients often feel a company with a formal office is larger, experienced, successful and overall more professional.

Motivation and Productivity
A working environment where everyone at the office is there to type away on the keyboard and be on phone calls is motivation to stay focused.
Research shows that productivity increases in an office workspace given
the clean, uncluttered and work-focused environment 

There is also no ‘to do’ list calling to you every time you step away from the computer and are reminded of some home repair you must tend to.
No kids or pets asking for your undivided attention or multitasking required! It’s just you and your work to take care of.

Regular office hours don’t work for everyone’s unique situation. A business centre usually offers 24/7 access to your office. Are you an early bird? Get your work done before the birds are up and be home by breakfast. Perhaps late night is your ‘in the zone’ time? Head to the office after regular hours and enjoy a distraction free space.

If regular hours do work best, a business centre is again an optimal place to work, particularly for business support and community as described in the following points.

Business Support
Working in a corporate environment means automatic support with IT, internet, copiers and printers and all the day to day necessities that make business flow. However, a business owner will have to address equipment challenges and any glitches that come along, taking the focus off work and slowing progress down.

A business centre offers support in the tech department taking the worry off the business owner’s hands creating more time and energy to focus on clients and work.  

Additional services such as live reception, dedicated suite numbers and mailboxes, access to meeting, board and class rooms, document shredding and more provide a business owner with services needed to operate smoothly and successfully.

The variety and number of businesses based within an office workspace can be a source of new clients, referrals and overall support. Getting to know the businesses sharing the office workspace has built-in networking as a happy byproduct. There is also the potential of building a community of businesses that care about and look out for each other. 


For more information please call 905 237-4653 and see their website