Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church

10066 Yonge Street
L4C 1T8
Richmond Hill
905 884-4211

Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church is a multicultural family of God, (people from 30 countries at last count!) Wherever YOU come from we think you will feel at home at RHPC. You will find all age groups represented: seniors, boomers, Gen X, echo boomers – and our children of course. No matter what age you are, you won’t feel alone.

At RHPC, we take the Bible seriously, not literally and always try to build a bridge between the world that Jesus knew 2000 years ago, and the world that is taking shape here in the GTA in the 21st Century. We read God’s Word (the Bible) to help us understand God’s will for our lives and our world. Other learning opportunities are provided to help you (and your family) grow together in Christ.

We are also serious about helping our community, country and world. Many people work very hard to raise money to support those who are making a difference in the lives of hurting and needy people wherever they are.

The word “Presbyterian” means “ruled by elders” (not necessarily old people). Our church is run on democratic principles that mean our members have a real say on important issues like choosing our ministers and electing our elders.

We would welcome the opportunity to talk to you and welcome you into our family.

May the Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you and with all those you love around the world.


9135 Bathurst Street
L4C 6C1 Richmond Hill
45 Crosby Ave
L4C 2R3 Richmond Hill
45 Crosby Ave
L4C 2R3 Richmond Hill
8929 Bayview Ave
L4B 3M8 Richmond Hill