Let’s stay outside and explore the Gormley Heritage Conservation District.
This area is just south of Stouffville Road between Leslie & the 404.
It is an area divided by the railway tracks.
A very good reason to visit is to look down on Toronto. Even on a cloudy day you should be able to see the skyline.
The foreground is a farmer’s field. This year he’s growing soya beans.
The other reason to visit is to view the many historic homes. I particularly like the round verandas with the conical roofs.
Click here for a document that lists all of the homes and all of the details to look out for. So many of the homes are so well cared for, with beautiful gardens. Be careful - there are no sidewalks. And take note of the large trees.
It may seem unfortunate that Unilock Bricks is in the middle of this quaint heritage but they really are continuing from the origins of this area.
North American Block and Tile Company brought prosperity to the area and hence so many of the beautiful old homes.
Be very careful if you cross the railway tracks.
Looking north you will see the brand new Gormley Go Station.
At the south end of this area is a dead end street that follows the west side of the tracks.
This dilapidated old building belongs to the CNR and once was the Stationmaster’s home.
Imagine what life was like here!
This is the third "Let's Explore Richmond Hill" article. Previous suggestions for outside places to explore are:
The Peace Park
David Dunlap Observatory Park