Event Date:
Tuesday, March 25, 2025 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Event Location:
The Oak Ridges Lions Club is having this community open house to commemorate and celebrate 75 years of Service that the club has provided for our community!
14 of the local non-profit organizations they work with to positively impact our community will be on hand
TRCA (Toronto and Region Conservation Authority)
- Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust
- Richmond Hill Food Bank
- Blue Door (Out of the Cold)
- 360kids
- Diabetes Canada
- Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides
- Hearth Place Cancer Support Centre
- CMHA (Canadian Mental Health Assoc
- York- MOBYSS Program for Youth
- Hill House Hospice
- Hope House Hospice
- Memory Lane,
- The Magic Yarn Project
- Bingo World Richmond Hill
They will be letting residents know about their relationship with Bingo World and how the funds raised there are filtered directly back to the community.
It's free and there will be refreshments for everyone.
See Oak Ridges Lions Club website for additional information.
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