Tech Information Session for Older Adults at McConaghy

Event Date: 
Saturday, September 7, 2024 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
Event Location: 

After a summer break, theSaturday morning Information Sessions will resume.

Come learn about the amazing world of Computer Desktops/Laptops (Apple/Windows), Tablets (Android/Apple), Smartphones (Android/Apple) and more!

10:00 – 11:30: Ken will give a short presentation exploring “Digital Art” which enables diverse artistic expression using electronic devices and specialized software. He will discuss various digital art tools and resources to unleash your creativity in this exciting field.  An open discussion or a Q&A on current topics of interest will follow. The virtual Zoom connection will end at 11:30.

11:30 – 12:00:  This will be a "One-to-Few" help session for those in-person at the McConaghy Centre building only. Volunteers/individuals in the building will gather in groups of interest (i.e., Apple/Android Smartphones and tablets, computers using Apple/Windows OS) where the volunteers will provide tips for your devices. Please note that the Volunteers are not here to "fix" problems.

If you are unable to attend in person, you can join us virtually via Zoom (including individuals who do not have an Adult 55+ membership) by clicking on the following link:
Meeting ID: 749 041 054
Password: 024082 

Please note that virtual attendees are unable to participate in the discussions. However, you can email questions to be answered at the next week's session

To attend in-person, you must have an Adult 55+ membership. Attendees are required to sign-in at the reception desk.

For further information:


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